Weaving Looms

Weaving Looms sorted by Type

Rigid Heddle Looms

Rigid Heddle looms are perfect for the beginning weaver. Teaching yourself to weave is easy since everything that you need to get started weaving is included (except yarn). This is true for all rigid heddle loom types and brands.

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Ashford  Knitters Loom

Ashford Rigid Heddle Loom

Ashford SampleIt Loom

Kromski Forte Loom

details about the kromski presto rigid heddle loom schacht flip rigid heddle loom details about the schacht cricket loom    

Kromski Presto Loom

Schacht Flip Loom

Schacht Cricket Loom


Table Looms

Table looms are perfect if you want to expand your weaving skills to 4 or more harness weaving.. Can a beginner start weaving on a table loom? Absolutely, but guidance from a weaving friend or taking a weaving class might be helpful.
ashford table loom details about Ashford Brooklyn table loom  louet jane table loom          leclerc voyager table loom  

Ashford Table Loom

Ashford Brooklyn Loom

Louet Jane Table Loom Leclerc Voyager Loom  
leclerc dorothy table loom details about the ashford katie loom details about the louet erica loom    
Leclerc Dorothy Loom Ashford Katie Loom Louet Erica Loom

Floor Looms


Floor generally have a larger footprint than table looms and come equipped with treadles instead of levers like table looms.


Jack Type Looms

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Schacht Baby Wolf Schacht Mighty Wolf Schacht Wolf Pup LT Leclerc Compact  
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Ashford Jack Loom

Leclerc Artisat Loom

Leclerc Nilus II Loom



Countermarch and Sinking Shed Looms

louet spring loom details

louet david III loom details

louet delta loom    
Louet Spring II Loom Louet David III Loom Louet Delta Loom    



Computerized Dobby Looms

details about Louet Octado loom  louet megado dobby loom leclerc weavebird loom    

Louet Octado

Louet Megado

Leclerc Weavebird



Inkle Looms




ashford inkle looms        

Ashford Inkle Loom




Weaving Loom Selection


For the new weaver

ashford rigid heddle loom detailNew Weavers want to jump right into weaving! Good for you! With a rigid heddle loom you can! These loom are easy to warp (set-up) and you will be weaving in no time. You can choose from different brands like Ashford, Kromski and Schacht and various weaving widths. Rigid Heddle looms can be used on a table. Most brands also offer a separate stand for your loom, allowing you to weave anywhere. Looms usually come with everything you need to start weaving including stick shuttles, clamps, threading hook and a reed. Starting at $190 or so.



The intermediate weaver

ashford table loomFour harnesses it is, or maybe eight? If you have explored weaving before, but want to go further or if you are taking a weaving class, these looms will be very tempting to you.

Multi-harness looms allow for a finer weave structure, more tension on your warp and have either foot treadles (faster weaving) or levers (table loom models).

Many manufacturers let you choose the size reed you would like with your loo, 10 and 12 being the most common. If you are not sure which reed to get, don't panic, you will probably want a variety of reeds anyhow, so you really can not make a mistake.

To weave on these looms you will be need a warping board or warping mill to measure the warp and a preferably at least one boat shuttle with several bobbins.

You may also want a loom bench, which allows for a wider reach and a good weaving book or two. Table looms start at several hundred dollars, floor looms start at under $2000.



The expert weaver

louet octado dobby loomYou know who you are. You know what you want and you have had several looms before. Weaving on a dobby loom allows for managing up to 32 shafts with one or two treadles. Electronic or mechanical interfaces combined with various weaving software and your computer or laptop, will read the draft and select the correct shaft for you.

Dobby looms from Louet and Leclerc will allow you to weave at a faster pace without having to make complicated tie-ups. These looms are for weavers with a good understanding of weaving and weave structures, semi-pros, handweaving shops and the expert hobbyist.