Ashford Dyed Corriedale Wool Roving

Ashford Corriedale Wool

Ashford Dyed Corriedale Wool Roving for Spinning and Felting

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carded corriedale sliver corriedale spinning fiber    



4oz $10.95   8oz $18.95











Ashford Dyed Corriedale Wool Sliver, sometimes also called roving, is easy to spin even for the beginning spinner. The carded Ashford Corriedale Sliver is easy to draft and spin into a lofty, soft yarn.

Ashford Corriedale wool has a defined, even crimp and is smooth and easy to spin or felt. You can spin a fine to medium woolen, worsted or semi-worsted yarn.

Ashford Corriedale wool will bulk after washing and has good elasticity. It is ideal for baby wear, woven, knitted or crocheted garments. Ashford Corriedale sliver is a 100% New Zealand product with wool from pasture-fed sheep, fostering sustainability.