Ashford Spinning Wheels

Ashford Spinning Wheels by Model

ashford joy 2 spinning wheel ashford kiwi 3 spinning wheel with bobbins  ashford traveller 3 spinning wheel

Ashford Joy 2

Ashford Kiwi 3

Ashford Traveller 3

Ashford Country Spinner 2 with large bobbin ashford traditional spinning wheel  Ashford Elizabeth 30 with lazy kate

Ashford Country Spinner 2

Ashford Traditional

Ashford Elizabeth 30

ashford e-spinner 3 ashford e-spinner super jumbo ashford spinning wheel accessories

Ashford  e-spinner 3

Ashford e-spinner
Super Jumbo

Ashford Accessories


ashford logoWith over 75 years of experience in building quality spinning wheels and looms, Ashford spinning wheels are crafted with you in mind.

You will love the folding Ashford Joy 2, the budget friendly Kiwi 3, or the graceful Ashford Elizabeth 30, just to name a few.

Join the family of textile artists and spinners worldwide, who love their Ashford spinning wheel.


Pacific Wool and Fiber your Authorized Ashford Dealer