Louet Victoria Folding S95

Louet Victoria S95 Folding Spinning Wheel

 Louet Victoria in beech wood

The Louet Victoria spinning wheel is a darling little wheel which is very portable and well crafted. The ratios on this wheel are excellent. It has a lot of speed for such a small wheel and works great for spinning mediumLouet Victoria detail to fine yarn. It has a smoother start than other small wheels and weighs in at under 13lbs with carry bag! The Victoria spinning wheel is one of the best portable wheels on the market and has an optional high speed set kit for spinning lace weight yarns as well. This wheel will do everything it's big sister Julia can do but doesn't ply quite as well. If you will be doing a lot of plying you should consider the Julia wheel from Louet which is a little larger.

This is the perfect wheel for the spinner on the go or it is eLouet Victoria in oak woodexcellent if you are limited on space for your wheel. We really like to smooth feel of the treadles. The way the wheel is engineered it gives you the feel of a true double treadle with only one footman turning the wheel. Instead of the traditional hooks which guide the yarn onto the bobbin, this wheel has a unique sliding guide. The best feature about this guide is that there is nothing for the thread to catch on if you accidentally treadle in the wrong direction.

This can really lessen the frustration factor for a newer spinner. This wheel weighs in at under 6 lbs without bag and has ratios from 6:1 to 12:1 with an optional high speed flyer that takes the available ratios to 25:1. This is a great wheel for spinners who are planning on spinning medium to fine yarns and want a wheel that is portable.

Louet S-95 Victoria Spinning Wheel Beech Finish  $995.00




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